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Chinese Painting (Cultural China Series)(Arabic edition)

  • ISBN:
  • Author:
    Lin Ci
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  • EBook Price: $ 3.38 USD

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Traditional Chinese paintings, as a form of plastic arts with painting brushes, ink and silk paper as the main tools and the structures of dots and lines as the main means of expression, are mainly based on the 5,000 years of brilliant civilization of China and are abundant in tradition and show extremely unique national styles. Chinese paintings of the 20th century, however, reflects various complex morphologies including how Chinese arts has developed from tradition to modern times, how it has introduced and absorbed Western arts and the collision and fusion between Chinese and Western arts. With the prices of Chinese paintings soaring at international arts auctions, more and more foreigners begin to show profound interest in the art of Chinese painting. This book, instead of following the usual practice of writing about the appreciation of painting works, highlights the close relationship between the art of painting and Chinese culture, and tells us the cultural tales behind that painting language, painters and the painting styles.

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